> allows admins to prevent users from making incorrect modifications where
> they shouldn't be.

Why aren't you setting permissions appropriately?

Unlike MS DOS / Win, in Linux you can set files to be read-only to ordinary
users, or invisible altogether (inaccessible directories).

For example, by default, most of the files in the /etc directory can only
be changed by the admin(s), and the /etc/ppp directory is inaccessible (if
memory serves).

> The reason I can't use this package is that it doesn't show you what was
> changed in a given file, just that it was changed. 

If you have an archived copy of the file, can't you just diff(1) to find
out how it changed?

> In order to be able to back out installations (if I need to), I need to
> know what changes were made to my config files.

Hmm, you should be able to install most packages as an ordinary users to
try them out; said user wouldn't have access to system configuration files.
If you are worried about your own files, and it's your system, it's no
trouble to create a sacrificial account just for the trial.

> instmon
> This is a great script, and almost accomplishes what I need, except for
> one thing - it doesn't track files added or deleted.  The author says
> that that functionality would require additional scans of the disk, and
> would slow the process down.  Unfortunately, that's exactly what I need.

For files added/deleted, you could always run `tree -fi', store the output
in a file, then run it again and compare with diff.

(For more flexibility, use find, it'll let you prune branches and things.)

> So, unless anyone else has any ideas, I'm off to start writing my first
> Linux program.  I've written something similar to this for my Win/Dos
> machine, but am starting fresh on coding for a Linux system.  I'll get
> back to you when I have a working version.

Actually, a simple version shouldn't be difficult at all - if you start
with the `find and diff' idea, but put a checksum next to each of the
files, then you'll have a list of files added, files removed and files
changed. For the changed files, you compare them with an archive version
using diff again.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with "From ", but no-one remembers why.

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