I want to thank Kent and David for their help and suggestions about putting
Debian on a lab computer at school.  

Ghost is used at the school.  Wipes out everything, as noted in the above
posts to me.  However, I worked hard to establish a relationship with the
tech doing the work, and he said he'd be glad to create an image of the hd
after I got things set up.  Pretty nice guy.  Don't know if Ghost will
handle Linux, of course, but hey ... he was willing.  (I think I even piqued
his interest in Linux, FWIW!)

I still have a question about the setup.

Odd thing in the setup.  WinNT was placed in as hda1, with a small DOS
logical following (hda4? IIRC).  I partitioned the rest of the disk into 5
logicals inc. swap.  (Where are hda2 and 3?)

I wanted to control the boot with LILO instead of a boot floppy.

On installation was told LILO won't work on a logical, and should it be
placed on hda2?   I said yes.  Also yes to Linux being default.

On reboot, set up LILO with WinNT as first in the lilo.conf list.  Works

Where is hda2???  is this the MBR?  Is this an iffy proposition w.r.t.


Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.

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