On 05-Feb-99 Pawel Zawisza wrote:
> is there a way to run debian (ie. v 1.3) on a 386sx system with ONLY
> 2megz of ram?  If no then what other linux version would you recommend
> for this system?
> thanx,
> Pawel

It is probably impossible to run any Linux with only 2MB RAM -- maybe just
possible to get a flicker of basic activity, but since the kernel, once
in memory, will take up at least most of that you won't have much room
for anything else.

4MB RAM can support a reasonable amount of activity if X is not used.
If you want to use X, you should have at least 8MB (it will just about
run in 4MB but will be impossibly slow).

Hope this helps,

PS the above does not apply to "ultra-compact" Linuxes which can fit on
a 1.44MB floppy, but these are so limited you probably won't want to use

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 07-Feb-99                                       Time: 20:23:24
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