On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 11:19:07AM -0800, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
> I recently upgraded to potato.
> Now X starts and immediately dies.  Why would this be?

This is (probably) a known bug in -9.  Upgrade to -10.

> What are the minimum packages necessary to run X under potato (or in general)?

xserver-(svga, s3v, mach64, ? -- depends on your video card)
xfonts-75dpi (depending on your X clients you *might* be able to scrape by
without this one)

You will probably want a window manager and a terminal emulator as well.

Read the extended description of xfree86-common as well.

G. Branden Robinson              |   I just wanted to see what it looked like
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   in a spotlight.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |   -- Jim Morrison
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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