Paul Seelig wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
> > RH is a commercially-based distro, so they can spend loads of cash
> > advertising etc, so they are the most popular, despite Debian's
> > "free-er" nature, and techincal superiority
> >
> Redhat is a distribution geared at ease of use. That's why Linus
> himself uses Redhat and not Debian.  Debian with all it's "technical
> superiority" would definitely benefit from becoming a bit more user
> friendly as well. This should be possible without dumbing down or
> sacrificing technical advantages but might in the contrary actually
> add to it's overall quality.

>I my oppinion this would be hard to do (make Debian >easier without
>sacrifices). To be technically superior demands >certain sacrifices.
>is why race cars do not have air-conditioners and >cup-holders. You
>worying about comfort and ease of use and you end up >with a mini-van
>instead of an F1 car -- or in our case RH instead of >Debian.
I disagree.  Actually it's not that Debian is built to be hard to use.
 It's just that many of the 'pretty' system control and configure
applications supplied by RH are not in Debian. (Besides they only work
in X)  I understand that some work is being done toward this end.  One
of RH's application (Xconfigurator) is even being ported to Debian. 
Also what is needed is a good book of 'hints and kinks' for Debian.  I
am slowly buildning filling my own reference binder with stuff I have
found useful when I was backed into a corner.  If I see a good hint on
this list I try to print it out and save it.  Maybe if I get to the
point where it's organized enough I'll e-publish it.  I would invite
others to do the same.

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