Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:
>       I'm trying to convert a Docbook document to HTML. upon executing
> 'sgml2html libgii-api.sgml' I recieve....
> Processing file libgii-api.sgml
> /usr/bin/sgmlsasp: can't open /usr/lib/sgml-tools/dist/book/html/mapping':
> No such file or directory

Of course.

> I've known in the past how to do this with jade, but documentation is *very*
> sketchy. What is the correct way to do this? can sgmltools be made to
> recognize docbook?

The new (to-be-developed) version of sgmltools will know about docbook. The
current version does not.

However, you can do the trick with jade...

jade -t sgml -d \
  /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/html/docbook.dsl \

... which will give you a bunch of HTML-files.


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