I don't know the answer to this exactly, but if you open the sub-menus
using the shortcut-key (eg 'a' for Apps), the menus open & stay in the
same place, wherever the mouse is.  However, this mean clicking on the
mouse to bring up the menu, then moving to the k'board.

Adam Archibald wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a quick question re the main
> generated menu in Debian's fvwm95. What I want to do is configure it so
> that when I click on one of the submenus (say `Apps' for instance) it
> stays up, regardless of where else on the screen/the main menu I then move
> the mouse pointer. (By `click' I mean just clicking once, not click and
> drag.) I'd like to do it so that the entire menu operates in this way.
> I've had a look through the various documentation but haven't been able to
> work out how to do it. Your help would be much appreciated!
> Cheers
> Adam
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