On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Mike Archer wrote:
> Hello everyone. I have a newly setup Debian Linux box running only
> Debian. My problem is that anytime i let debian sit for more than a
> minute or two, the system totally locks up. the keyboard doesn't
> respond at all, not even NumLock or anything. I know that the screen
> is supposed to go blank after a while, but it doesn't even do that. I
> was wondering if anyone had any ideas about what could be causing this
> problem. Maybe it's a hardware thing, i'm not really sure. Thanks

I had this happen due to bad memory chips. There is a little program
called "memtest" (I think it's packaged) which can look for this.

It's 90% likely to be hardware, often Windows/DOS become randomly unstable
due to hardware bugs but don't really crash, while Linux will just die.
(probably better than random data corruption...)


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