I'm trying LINUX for the first time, and was attracted to the straight to
the point FAQ on installing this program on low memory machines.

The machine is an old Compaq 4/25 Contura laptop with 4 Megs of ram - 130
Meg of ram.  I simply want to make it a machine that can access the net
with a browser like Netscape - or something similar.

I have downloaded the files recommended to their own directories (e.g.
base14-1.exe) - but have only successfully extracted the first two image
disks.  I infer from the documenation that 10 in total exist.

After trying to create the third - I get a disk that shows now files in
Windows 3.1 filemanager.

Am I proceeding correctly - or is there something I'm omitting with
respect to these image disks.


Jim Mastracco
FINDINGS - On The Road      

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