> I'm interested in learning about this, Bruce.  While avoiding
> the use of names on any points of antagonism (avoiding "flame"
> buttons, friends), in what ways has the Open Source Definition been
> deviated from?
I'm afraid that anything I say on debian-user would end up on Slashdot.
I don't want to sound "catty" in public, and would rather be done with
that argument than stretch it out any longer. If you really need to know
about this, it would be best to call me on the phone, US Pacific time
10AM-9PM, at 510-526-1165.

> IMO, it would be nice to see many _of the best_ developers and
> systems analysts able to make a livelyhood at working with Linux for a
> long time without marketing moguls buying it all away. It also seems
> to me that it benefits us all to give _everyone_ a chance at a good
> education and career, regardless of early income, without draining
> resources from governments via student loans.  ...any correlations
> here?  

I'm not sure I understand the question. My concern is with having a good
set of _free_ software that does lots of things. I'm not against non-free
software, but I really dislike non-free software that masquerades as free.
Some people criticize my promotion of free software because they think it
keeps people from making a living writing non-free Linux software.

I hope that makes sense.



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