
On Thu, 18 Feb, 1999 à 12:23:43PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hello Debian deveolopers and friends,
> this day is the first I started thinking about the importance of
> a Debian logo.  Someone will say it is to late for a maintainer who
>     Debian Logo Idea Contest
> Wy do we need such a contest.  The mails of Joey have shown, that
> there is the problem of "no-unique-concept" for the logo.  Friends
> So let us define first, *what* we want to show on our logo.
> This is always the first step in software related things.  Wy did
> we step over it??

Well, that a difficult task for these reasons :
 - We probably have different ideas of what symbolize debian
 - Most of these ideas are abstract concept
 - As far as I'm concerned I do not make a neat distinction amongst
     linux and debian, so what I could suggest pertains as much to
     linux than to debian.

Here are two suggestions addressing the first points.

My ideas of debian/linux (without any significance in the order) are :
  freedom, power, cooperation.

What animals symbolize these ? (and don't forget it's a cultural issue,
dragons are considered as dreadfull in occident and benevolent in asia)
 freedom : flying birds (Johnatan Livingston the seagull...)
 power : big and strong animals (elephant, bear, buffalo, whales)
 cooperation : social insects (ants, bees, termites)

Problems : none of the animals meets two of the ideas, birds are already
used (penguin of linux and the actual debian logo is a stylisized red 
bird that I like BTW), all of the powerfull animals are in danger of
extinguishment, I don't think the idea of an insect appealing.

So animals don't appears as a good solution.

What else is possible ?

To illustrate the idea of freedom we could represent an escape : sheets 
(bed) hanging from jail window with filed bars.
  Strong points : It's easy to draw, easy to resize, easy to identify. 
easy to simplify for an icon. I thought of a nice slogan for it : 
"Debian: free your computer and your mind". It's important to fit the
logo and the slogan as the name (debian) is already choosen. Red hat fit
well with RedHat, gnu fit well with GNU, pyramid fit well Kheops (a 
french society localizing Slackware and RedHat) but the names and the
logo where chosen at the same time (perhaps not for GNU ?).
  Drawbacks : Jail is not a positive concept, it could enforce the 
confusion of hackers with pirates, it doesn't illustrate cooperation
easily (perhaps knotted sheets allowing escape from two cells), I don't 
see how it could evocates power. Nevertheless, I do like this idea, so if
a painter wish to give it a try, i'll will be glad to have collaborated
in this way to debian. 

> Idea no. 1:  Orca for Debian

My first impression about orca is that it's a terrible predator.

> Why do I think that an orca whale is exactly what we need for our logo:
> - often logos are animals
Not so often, stylized letters or words came first then stars and 
circles/spheres are quite numerous.

> - let us choose an animal which stands for freedom
> - there are many animals which fit this fact, but many of them

Not so much I think, unless that you consider that any wild animal is
free in such a way none is the symbol of freedom. 

>   are occupied by governments of countries
> - we shouldn't stik on any sign of a certain country
> - lets take an orca whale
> - everybody knows the "Free Willy" story ... I don't want to say
No ! I'm definetly convinced that less than 10% of the world population
has seen the movie. 

>   anything about the quality of this film, but the general idea is good
> - it has something in common with our ideas:
>   * we want to bring software to freedom --> its a *process to get free*
>   * Debian is big, as well as an orca whale
>   * it has big tooth to fight against commercial software developers

I agree with your two first points but the third one is a drawback in my

> - it could be a strong logo (may be it could have something in
>   common with the "world-idea" of Joey, because orcas live in all
>   oceans of our world which may or may not be expressed in the futur logo,
>   thats a design question which I don't want to deal with


> - we can brofit very much from the popularity of the whales in our
>   day!  ... we want to have popularity and we need to have popularity

Probably not. What let us recognise gnu as GNU and cameleon as S.u.S.E.
is that they're not overseen. I fear that a whale would be just an other
whale amongs a lot.

> - a good designer cold paint a *funny* orca -- as funny as the penguin
>   and other ones

It's a strong point for animals : they are easy to make funny and
sympathetic. I think of linux logo, particulary of extrem linux or 
drawings of Bruno Bellamy.

[technical good points for orca]
> OK, lets assume these ideas are good or someone has a better, its
> just a suggestion.

Same remark applies to my ideas.

Last point, opposing to Joey, I do think that the word Debian should be
integrated in the logo, for example if the idea of the escape is taken,
the bottom of the sheet could be merged in the "i" of Debian.

Andreas, I hope that my mail won't appear to you as too critical, my aim
was to signal some weakness of some of your points and to try to give an
example of a non animal possibility.

 ( >-   Laurent PICOULEAU                                      -< )
 /~\       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  /~\
|  \)    Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !    (/  |
 \_|_    Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

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