Subject: Need help with new cable modem
        Date: Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 11:07:58AM -0800

In reply to:Matt Campbell

Quoting Matt Campbell([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Help!
> As of about 8 pm tonight I will have a brand spanking new cable modem 
> connection to the internet.  However, at this point it looks like it 
> might only work for Windows 95, and this sucks.  Is there anyone out 
> there on the @Home network who might be able to help me configure my 
> linux box to use it?
> I can tell already I have several issues to address:
> 1) Find a driver for the plug-n-pray PCI ethernet controller they 
> installed. (Realtek RTL8029 - a really really generic card, the box 
> doesn't even have the manufacturers name on it)
> 2) Configure a DHCP client.  Also, in relation to this, I may need to 
> change my hostname to that beastly thing they assigned me... ugh
> 3) Pray to God.  (Or gods, or goddesses, depending on religious 
> inclination)
> So, can anyone give me any pointers?

Read the ISDN-HOWTO ????

Office Automation, n.:
  The use of computers to improve efficiency by removing anyone
  you would want to talk with over coffee.

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