On 24-Feb-99 Jesse Jacobsen wrote:
> I missed the first part of this thread, but was wondering... do you have
> separate /home/ftp/bin and /home/ftp/lib/ and /home/ftp/etc directories?
> You need those under /home/ftp/ because the ftpd automatically changes
> the root directory to /home/ftp.  There should be a list somewhere in
> the docs as to what files you need there.  Pay special attention to the
> permissions on those directories and files.  Also, I've noticed that
> updates to the wu-ftpd package occasionally re-copy the appropriate
> programs and libraries, so that the correct versions are available for
> anonymous ftp use under /home/ftp/.

I installed Proftpd not wu-ftpd and those subdirectories are absent.
Someone told me that is normal for a Debian install.  I suppose it won't be a
problem unless I want to have anonymous ftp logins.


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