Andrei Ivanov writes:
> I've tried doing that, but still nothing gets written into the file, when
> pon is called. I can write into it by piping the output to the file just
> fine, and then plog just shows me the right output (whatever I piped into
> the file), but pon refuses to send any data into it.

Pon doesn't send logging data anywhere.  It is just a script that starts
pppd.  Pppd sends its logging data to syslogd, which sends it on to ppp.log
as its config file tells it to.  Because syslogd has ppp.log open, removing
ppp.log just removed the link.  The file still exists and syslogd is still
writing to it.

As root, type

        /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart

this will restart syslogd, causing it to reread its config file and reopen
all its files.

> Where can I look for error messages, or what else can I do to fix this,
> besides reinstall, which I am not sure will be possible, since ppp is a
> dep. for too many packages.?

Reinstalling ppp would have no effect on this problem.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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