Jim Power hat gesagt: // Jim Power wrote:

> I've setup a www server using Apache but I have no idea on how to deal
> with PPP & SLIP connections. What packages do I need to enable my
> server to handle PPP connection? And how to configure?

I'm sorry, but I think I don't understand exactly what you want. Do you
want to run a www server over an PPP connection? Do you want to let
users dial into your system using PPP or SLIP? Or do you just want to
connect to the internet using PPP or SLIP? Could you clarify this?

If you mean the last question: just install pppd and pppconfig, run pppconfig,
answer the questions, add your user account to the group dip with 
# adduser <yourUserName> dip
and dial into the internet with the command 
$ pon

Easy, huh?
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 Frank Barknecht           ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______
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