I second your reply.
I mostly just lurk on this list because I don't know enough to ask a ?.
But I also find it very difficult to search archives.
I did it last week and the first 5 times the robot returned zero answers.
I had to keep rewording the search to get anything.
I finally got some replys but they never came up with the letter I was looking 
I know it is there someplace because I saw it a few months ago and at the time 
I was
not that interested in the subject and did not save it.
It has been very frustrating for me to search the archives on several occasions.

Anthony GGP wrote:

> > This has been answered over a dozen times in the last two months.
> > Could I suggest that you check the mail archives on www.debian.org
> > before asking questions here.  Many of the European readers have to
> > pay big bucks to get mail off this list and a lot of your questions
> > have been asked before, and are in the archives.
> Wayne:
> No offense taken.
> I have actually checked out various online resources including the Netscape
> Website, Debian.org, man pages and HOWTOs and have been monitoring the
> mailing list for some time and have not found an answer to my question.
> However, I must admit I did fail to check out dejanews. I'll be sure to
> check it out next time.
> Living in Europe myself and having to pay "big bucks", I sympathize with
> those annoyed by repeatedly asked questions. However, I would like to ask
> you to be a little more considerate in this regard as, with the current
> Linux boom, there are many newbies out there with many unanswered questions,
> despite doing a great deal of research on their own. And when these people
> actually do post a question I think they'd appreciate a helping hand.
> Besides, isn't that what this mailing-list is about, to offer help and
> advice to those who need it?
> Best regards,
> Anthony
> --
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