Subject: Getting X-Windows to recognize Truetype fonts...
        Date: Thu, Feb 25, 1999 at 05:29:44PM -0600

In reply to:rich

Quoting rich([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Howdy all, 
> I'm having trouble getting Netscape and Wordperfect to recognize my
> TTFs... I've installed xfstt (it's loaded during boot-up), but when I do
> a "xlsfonts | grep ttf" I get nothing... I've also done "ln -s
> /dos_c/windows/fonts /usr/share/fonts/truetype/winfonts" as per xfstt
> documentation... I know that I'm probably supposed to add the line "xset
> fp+ unix/:7101&" to my xinitrc (?), but that doesn't do anything.... any
> ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rich

I spent an hour last night & finally got it working correctly after
trying a number of different methods. In the end this worked best, for

Created a file with the following in it.

xfstt --sync
xfstt  --res 120 &
xset fp+ inet/

NOTE: xfstt looks for the fonts, by default, in /usr/ttfonts.  Thats
where mine are.  If yours are elsewhere you have to symlink.

The xset fp+ inet/ works where th unin/:7100 didn't.

Now whenever I want ttf I just run that little file. That was at 2AM
so haven't done anything else since then.


Nobody said computers were going to be polite.

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