On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Wayne Cuddy wrote:

> If there is one feature that I would LOVE to see in dselect it would be
> to save all the packages I have selected and allow my to load the
> selection on a new system so I don't have to do it everytime.  Maybe
> this feature is already there and I don't know about it... 


>From dpkg --help:

dpkg --get-selections [<pattern> ...]   get list of selections to stdout
dpkg --set-selections                   set package selections from stdin

I use it like this:

        dpkg --get-selections >  my_selections
        dpkg --set-selections < my_selections

--David Teague
Debian GNU/Linux: Because software should not be expected to crash,
                  and reboots are for hardware and kernel upgrades.

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