On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 08:01:43PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> > This is something that I've always wondered about. Can you actually tell
> > dselect about both stable and unstable at the same time? I've always
> > been afraid to do that.
> Yes, you can do that. Just make sure you go in the order of most stable to
> least stable. In other words, define stable first then unstable.

What do you mean by define them? In /etc/apt/sources.list? (assuming I use apt)

   Jim Foltz   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ACORN techie   <http://www.acorn.net>
      AOL/IM   Jim Foltz

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