
I have an S3 Trio3D video card so i had to use the framebuffer device if i
wanted a 1024x768 display.
Now i have some anoying keyboard problems. I can't use the AltGr key
anymore (it has become left-key). So any key like |@#{}[]`\ i cannot use
anymore in X. 
The PgUp/PgDn and some other keys aren't working either, but i could solve
this with xmodmap. Though some people said me this is not a good

I got the keyboard section from sombody with the same videocard and
was also using Framebuffer device and had the same problems. For him
this was a sollution, for me not. This is my keyboard section for the

Section "Keyboard"
        Protocol        "Standard" #Standard|Xqueue
#       XkbDisable
        AutoRepeat      500 5
        LeftAlt         Meta
        RightAlt        ModeShift
        ScrollLock      Compose
        RightCtl        Control
        XkbRules        "xfree86"
        XkbModel        "pc101" #pc101|pc102|xfree86|microsoft
        XkbLayout       "be"

Any help?

Bernhard Dobbels        Student Electronic Engineer 
                        option Automation and Computersystems.
ICQ: 25783372

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