Subject: Print command
        Date: Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 12:54:20AM -0500


>    Could anyone tell a newbie the command to print a text file or a man
>    page item, like a file named "vi.1.gz" on a dot matrix printer? I have
>    installed the 'base' system from D/Led floppies (used the 'rescue'
>    disk and installed the drivers disk and the five 'base' disks). During
>    the install, I did install the 'lp' module for the parallel ports. At
>    this point, the 'man' program  is either not available or not on the
>    disk. I have been reading some of the man pages using zmore but I
>    don't know how to print or do very much else. I don't have any docs
>    except for what was installed. I'm having a very rough time trying
>    learn how to do things in Debian, I'm good in DOS and Win95 but just
>    beginning to learn Linux.
>    Apparently I have a lot to read and learn before I can get my install
>    to the point I can log onto the web and upgrade to a full system. The
>    few commands I can use I have learned by reading this ng.
>    So far Debian seems to be a great OS with a lot more power than
>    anything I've used in the past, including OS/2 Warp. But the docs are
>    difficult to find and read for a newbie that doesn't have any Unix
>    experience. You could say that Debian is my Unix experience.  Is there
>    a list of basic commands for navigation and operations available on
>    the web? The "Howto" pages are great for an in depth explanation of
>    lilo and fips but get a little bit tedious when all I want to do is
>    look at the current fstab or ppp.conf or list a dir.
>    Also, using the 'ls' command, man6 dir doesn't exist and man7 is
>    empty. Is this normal?
>    A Debian geek wannabe is anxious to learn.
>    Thank you.

1.  Look for a directory called howto. (find / -type d -iname howto)
2.  Look at Printing-HOWTO, Printing-Usage-howto.
3.  If you haven't yet downloaded the magicfilter package, do.
4.  If you have not yet downloaded the a2ps package, do.
5.  Grin as you print out whatever you want.


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