On Sat, Mar 13, 1999 at 01:48:57PM -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:
>   I have some small scripts that keep a log file of notes.  The
> searchlog feature uses awk.  Now that I have decided to move my 
> operating from the Slackware box that the scripts work in to debian,
> the scripts no longer work.
>   Doing some research I found that the boxes have different versions
> of awk/mawk.
>   The slackware system:  awk -W version  GNU Awk 3.0.3  
> and debiam Slink         awk -W version  mawk 1.3.3 Nov 1996.
> Questions.  
>   Rather than load up the newer awk from the tarball at the
> GNU site, are there, or will there be, an updated awk in the base
> package of potato?  
>   Would moving to the GNU awk affect any debian specific items?
> Namely deselect, apt-get, dpkg?
>   Should I just bite the bullet, bone up on awk, and fix the damm
> scripts?  Yes I know, I _should_ know awk.
>   Which is the newer/better/most compatiable Awk?
> Thanks in advance.
> Wayne
> -- 
> Unquestionably, there is progress.  The average American now pays out
> twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages.
>                 -- H. L. Mencken
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> Wayne T. Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Have you looked at the gawk pacakge? I think it does what you want. AFAIK,
the mawk package is installed by default in the base system because it
is smaller and space on the floppies is a premium.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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