    I am trying to install X and have posted about 5 messages. I am new
to Linux and Unix (I'm running WIN95) currently I have not done anything
productive with it except get frustrated. I downloaded Debian 2.1 onto a
80386 with 250 MB of disk space for "/" and a 30 MB swap. I want to get
X running so I downloaded it from XFree86.org there I ran the setup
script and it said something about a.out and that it could not run. So I
tried a dpkg. I downloaded several ".deb" files and every time it said
something about a package list not comple or a broken package or a
dependancy probelem. All of it was greak to me so I came to this list. I
tried dselect but I could not figure that out even after reading the
readme. If someone could tell me how to use dpkg correctly, I've been
using a command like "dpkg -i /dos/floppy/xserve~1.deb", and tell me
what packages to download plus the order in which to install them that
would be great.

Thanks in advance

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