> P> of the find ICQ clones?  I use Licq, but kicq and kxicq are also
> P> good ICQ clones for UNIX and Linux.
> My suggestion is gtkicq. Relly nice thing. It is packaged for slink.

I have just downloaded gtkicq.  It asked for registering information
(I haven't used it before), and it appeared to register me --- ie in
"User Info" it says that I have a UIN number, but when I try and
search for my number (or any of my other details), it can't seem to
find it.

Now it seems I can locate other users, and I've been able to send
messages (haven't yet been able to chat), but other users can't locate
me!  What's happening?



P.S. Is there a problem with giving your email address when
registering --- junk mail and all that.

____/~~\_____/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!" 

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