Ok, I'm replying to my own post.  I installed magicfilter, and set it up
for dj500c.  This then worked for everything except plain text.  I
changed the 'default' line at the bottom of
/etc/magicfilter/dj500c-filter from 'filter /usr/bin/djscript -q'
to                                  'filter /etc/filter.pcl'

and everything was rosy.  The one thing I would still like to know, is
how to change the font size for plain text.  Ideally, I would like to
get two pages onto one (sideways).  Another thing I was wondering about
is that the /etc/magicfilter/dj500c-filter' file has the comment:
        # Magic filter setup file for HP DeskJet 500 series color
        # printers with only CMY cartridge installed.
and my printer has black & CMY cartridges.  Is the filter using the
colour cartridge to make black, and if so, how do I fix this?


Richard Harran wrote:
> I decided to get that HP Deskjet 695c, and I think it should work ok,
> 'cos the windows drivers that came with it were the ones for the 690.  I
> am having a bit of trouble setting up printcap properly.  Could someone
> who uses the cdj500 gs filters please tell me what to put in
> /etc/printcap, and associated filter.  I have been able to get some
> things to come out of the printer, but the formatting is funny, and only
> one line of text is printed.
> Thanks
> Rich
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