Roy-Anders Larsen wrote:

> I have an SB16PnP and I recently posted the instructions on how I did the
> sound on my system to this debian-user list, see:
> I think has the latest kernel debs, but I don't know if
> there are any sound modules compiled in those debs.
> I'm currently running Debian 2.1 (slink), with kernel 2.2.4, and
> everything seems to work fine (except for the midi/synth, that is, and
> I've tried mostly anything I could think of to make it work.  Not even the
> real OSS driver worked on that part).

Thanks a lot Roy for these tips, especially for the links! I think I'll
go ahead and fetch a 2.2.* kernel and compile that, including sound
according to your instructions; I believe there were some source debs
under the URL that you gave me but I have to check that again.

I must say it really pisses me off that I have to re-compile the kernel
just to make the soundcard work (it happens that I have a SB16 PNP, too,
that's fairly standard hardware IMHO even here in Germany), but maybe
it's worth the effort. I just hope ppp and the other stuff won't
complain after the upgrade. 

BTW, did you see an increase in mem requirements after switching to

Thanks again,

 -- Olaf

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