On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Brian Servis wrote:

> >> You are NEVER going to find a SRPM of HP FireHunter, or any other
> >> commercial software pre-packaged for Red Hat.
> > Well, such software won't make it into Debian then... I guess...
> > 
> Correct. Maybe in non-free if the company will let Debian redistribute
> it but that is pretty rare.
Yes, it is... Here we hit another problem: how to make Debian more attractive
for commercial vendors without sacrificing it's pure GNU nature?

> But if it is only available in .rpm format and designed to work on a Red
> Hat system and has the Red Hat init structure, or file system, hard
> coded into it, then everyone who is running a distro that is not Red Hat
> is screwed. The alien package tries to do its best to convert .rpm's to
> .deb's for file install locations. But if the program has hardcoded file
> structure in the binary or scripts then the effort of converting the
> .rpm to a .deb is useless because the program will not run unless it
> finds the files in the places that it expects it.
That's right. One, very inelegant, solution would be to add an init script
to the deb package that would create a required set of symlinks to make the
debian system compatible with the RH one. But first - it pollutes the file
system, second - well, it makes Debian lose in some sense... Other solution I
can think of, more wasteful in terms of space, but more elegant, would be to
create a set of wrapper scripts or programs that'd allow to run the
application in question in a chrooted evironment simulating the RH file system
layout. Requires a bit of effort, but IMO it could work...

> I agree that there there has to be a standard used by ALL Linux distros
> so that commercial vendors do not have to worry about which distro to
> be compatible with.
Agreed, but there should be NO new standard...


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