In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
>       I have a question regarding security issue with Debian and Linux in
> general.  By now everyone has probably heard about the new Mellissa
> virus.  I know that this doesn't affect Linux because it is related to
> M$ products only.  However, I just wondered if anything of this sort
> could happen to a Linux system?  I know that Linux in general is
> actually quite secure, but what makes it so?  Just some information
> about Linux security issue would be appreciated.  Thank you for any kind
> of info.  

This particular virus is spread because the computer is allowed
to run scripts just from the act of viewing a document.  This
could happen to Linux if we ever had a document format that was
both popular enough and able to execute unsafe macros.
Depending on the configuration and settings, this could happen
if we had a MSWord Viewer that ran macros, a Gnome/Baboon format,
or even an HTML/Javascript renderer built into the mail client.

Actually, this could happen with any buffer overflow exploit
found in a very popular mail client.


This is why email should be limited to text, and everything
else is evil (your turn George ;-) )

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