> So Hewson makes some good points. Linus still isn't ready for the
> desktop, at least for the masses. But it will be Tomorrow. So stay
> tuned....

   I agree -- a lot of his points, particularly about the lack of mainstream
apps, are valid.  I'd also like to see more hardware support for odd-ball and
brand-new devices, and I'd certainly like to see a wider variety of apps.

   This can be solved.  Even though we're flooded with generally positive,
mainstream press coverage, the tactics that got us here still work.  Nag
hardware and software manufacturers for drivers and support from their
products and politely remind them of their lost sales if they decline their
support.  That has worked and it'll still work.

   But I think the situation is changing, especially when it comes to
software.  The fact that Civilization III will be released for Windows and
Linux at the same time is a milestone.  The Civ series is hugely popular and
states in a definite way that we're not on the back burner any more.

   Again, I agree -- tomorrow is going to be a really neat time; let's work to
see that it gets here soon... :-)

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