On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 10:42:58 -0700, you wrote:

>Gary Singleton wrote:
>> As an aside, this person sends .doc files regularly too; luckily
>> we're not susceptible to their evils.
>Don't get mad: get even. 

I think public needs to be educated on the issue but the marketing
effort has been weak thus far.  And I don't think the usual linux
dogmatism is such a good idea.

hmmm I think I have solution.  Creat a buzz word like "RFC 824 ( or
whatever the number) Compliance" or something like that and give the
moniker to compliant linux mailer, list it as a feature etc.
Generally make an issue out of it.  Then some 2 bit twee
so-called-journalist sees it and starts parroting it in maggotzines.
All of sudden, every 2 bit luser, IT (blow-)heads, and CEOs (= Cheap
Excretion Offspring) who read the said maggotsines seriously and  will
want to be compliant!  

So the first step is creating is a buzz word that sounds
important/cool, and easy to memorize ( remember we are dealing with
hoards of idiots).

Any ideas?

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