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On Sun, 05 Apr 1998 23:29:53 -0400, Jesse Gilman wrote:

>What about software, even free software, whose technical documentation 
>plainly and bluntly lies about its capabilities? I refer to XFree86's 
>pervasively well-documented feature of supporting multiheaded (multiple 
>monitored) systems.

    OK.  After reading this I cd'd to /usr/doc/X11/ and read XFree86-FAQ.gz. 

In less than a minute I found the following:

  Q.A14- Can I use more than one video card in the same machine with XFree86?
   Although it is technically possible to use multiple PCI-based SVGA
   cards in the same machine, none of the servers currently support this.
   The VGA16 and Mono servers are both capable of running both a VGA
   compatible card and a non-VGA compatible monochrome card in the same
   For XFree86-4.0 we are working on true multi head support.

>I have just spent some $450 for a monitor and a card, based on my perusal
>of the technical documentation

    Then I fail to see how you could miss that clear indication that XFree86
does not support the feature you were seeking.  Anything which is readily
found by someone in under a minute with a simple search isn't all that hard
to find at all, IMHO.

>It took me a week to delve into the documents, write all the scripts and put 
>>everything together.

    A week to delve into the documents and not once did you read the FAQ?

>What good is free software when people are deliberately misled about what it
>can do? How many rotten apples in the barrell does it take to infect the
>good ones there?

    I dunno, but before you go off half-cocked again, might I suggest reading
ALL the documentation, especially the one clearly marked as answering the
*F*requently *A*sked *Q*uestions.

- -- 
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
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