On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 09:51:44AM +0200, John Stevenson wrote:
> Hello,
> I have to problems that I think may be related.
> 1) I installed slink from scratch on a Dell Laptop (which worked
> using hamm) and selected the source for kernel 2.0.36.  When I
> went to the /usr/src directory, I fount the tar file had not
> been extracted and therefore there was no linux symbolic link to
> the extracted tarball.
> This suggests that there is a bug in kernel_package somewhere,
> as this happened twice.
> I extracted the tarball and created the linux link to it (now
> this is where I may have missed some steps out in setting up all
> the neccessary links)
> I then when through the make menuconfig (loading a config file I
> had used for hamm to get the sound working as the defaults dont
> work for my laptop).  I checked everything was still okay and
> when through the make-kpkg stuff, make modules, make
> modules_install.
> Everything works fine, or seems to from the boot messages, but
> this brings me onto problem two:
> 2) Sound does not work (even though it says so at boot up). 
> >From looking round the filespace, none of the sound directories
> in /dev seem to exist, which explains why sound wont work.
> Is there anything I can do except try install the whole thing
> again??
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John.
Content-Description: Card for John Stevenson

Once you do make-kpkg, then you just need to use dpkg to install
the resulting kernel-image*.deb file. Don't do a make "modules_install",
etc. make-kpkg does it all for you. 

kernel-source-* is supposed to only contain a tarball. That's not
a bug. Use "cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV audio" to create the audio devices.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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