Paul Lowe wrote:

> "Antonio Ullán" wrote:
> > Hello:
> > My PC is running slink. I just have installed a SiS6326 AGP video card
> > and I don't
> > know how can I to configure X-Window. I have intented with XF86_SVGA
> > server but only I get 320x200 resolution and Ctrl-Alt-+, Ctrl-Alt--
> > dont't work.
> > Can somebody help me?.
> > Thanks. Best regards.
> Edit /usr/X11/lib/X11/XF86Config
> Paul Lowe

Hello Paul:
I have intented that my video-car work editing XF86Config file but
I haven't get it. I think that XFree86 3.3.2 ( currently installed in
slink) don't support SiS6326 chip or not in the usual way (editing
XF86Config, run XF86Setup,...). I'd like to know if somebody have this
video chip runing in slink and  It is
working fine. In this case,  how can I do it ?.
Antonio Ullán de Celis

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