>> "vp" == v polasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> If I am wrong with my guess, please run 
>> find /etc/ppp -type f | xargs grep "name "
>> as root, so that I can see where this parameter comes from.

vp> This output is somewhat long to post, so here is a list of only
vp> the files that came up:

vp> /etc/ppp/peers/xisp_ttyS3
vp> /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/xisp
vp> /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/xisp
vp> /etc/ppp/options
vp> /etc/ppp/ip-up
vp> /etc/ppp/ip-down

vp> It looks that either /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/xisp or /etc/ppp/options may
vp> have something relevant.

Yes. /etc/ppp/options is wrong. (I wonder why pon did work).

"name xyz" is a privileged option. Only root may use it. non-root
users may set this option only using a configfile in the peers
directory (if they can do this at all, I'd have to look it up).

Please try the following changes:

The only option in /etc/ppp/options should be "auth".
Remove the "name" option from /etc/ppp/peers/xisp_ttyS3 (it shouldn't
be necessary there). You set the username and the remotename in the
"Account Information" dialog box.

The only reason I can think of for editing the xisp_* files is to add
the "debug" option.

Try this out and let me know if it worked.


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