>The key thing is that GCC was responsible for creating Linux. The
>programs would have been written if they didn't already exist. Since
>DID already exist, there was no point in wasting the effort to
>wheels and these other programs were SUPPOSED to be free. Now we see
>there is a big giant string attached to using them. You can use them
>you have to attach the letters GNU/ to your system if you do. I
>think it is in poor taste for Stallman to make this argument and this
>the first comment Linus has ever said even remotely near the issue in
>public. Basicly he said that the GNU project is of little/no
importance to
>Linux and I agree. 
>If the GNU project had been the first to bundle Linux with the other
>programs, they might have a claim.  Since others simply grabbed the
>stuff because it was handy, RMS has no claim. The thing will probably
>backfire in his face. In the desire to be truly free there has
>started at least one effort to port the BSD stuff.
>There is no use in arguing about what is the correct name, if you
>a distribution, you are free to call it whatever you want. The
problem is
>that nobody should have the right to tell someone else what to name
>stuff.  It is a freedom issue. I would have second thoughts about
>some "free" software and then have the people that "gave" me the
>try to dictate to me additional terms not in the license after the

Anything that is not in the license cannot be forced on you. All (I
think) stallmann wants is a little recognition. A lot of people seem
to think the world revolves around Linus, but without all of the
thousands of people who've helped him, his kernel would be nothing but
an lone experiment slowly disappearing as the floppies it was stored
on degrade. The GNU stuff is very nice and very important, just like
the kernel. If GNU had never existed I think linux would finally reach
its current state around 2007. In the mean time I'd have no choice
except MS2000 and Solaris x86.

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