In a message dated 4/9/99 9:39:51 AM Central Daylight Time, 

> Which window manager are you using?  It must be possible to fix this:
>  you're just bothered by the initial placement of the windows, not with
>  bits of your actual desktop being off the screen, right?  

It seems to be all window managers.  I've used kwm (with KDE), enlightenment, 
fvwm, fvwm95, so far - and all them have the same problem.  My current (and 
probably final) window manager is kwm.

The problem is partly the initial placement of windows - and the -geometry 
option helps a great deal - but the issue is more based in the fact that I 
shouldn't have to do this for every single window - and there are some 
windows I can't fix in this way.

For example,

Everytime I right click in KDE to bring up a properties dialog, it is always 
half on and half off the screen.  A window should NEVER be placed beyond the 
physical limits of the current resolution.   Also, there are quite a few KDE 
windows that are just to big for 640x480 in the first place - and since I 
can't fix them with the -geometry option, I constantly have to move them 
around to use them.

Another example - every time I start up emacs, the window created is much 
larger than my actual resolution.  I can maximize the window to bring it back 
to my 640x480 restraints, or use the geometry option - but why is this window 
created beyond my screen size in the first place?

It seems to me this is a window-manager bug - but so far all window managers 
have exhibited it.

PS - the man pages are no help with this issue.  I'm pretty sure I've 
searched everywhere on this one, but someone, please, correct me if I'm wrong 
- I'd LOVE to fix this beast.


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