On 12-Apr-99 John Galt wrote:
> The thread was declared dead last week.  

Was it?

If so, if it died, then that was a result of being force-fed with alien
material ("long emails", "security in email", and the like).

Whereas, my original posting that started the thread -- which continues
to receive the occasional useful response -- concerned the fact that
people who switch from Windows to Linux may find themselves losing access
to software they like or need to use.

Despite the plea I posted a week ago for people to change the subject
line if they wanted to discuss these other issues, it sems that they kept
on regardless.

If that had the effect that what was intended to be a useful thread was
"declared dead" as a result, then as a final comment on that situation I
wish to say that I feel very disappointed by these consequences of how
some people handled it.

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12-Apr-99                                       Time: 10:02:00
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