
"R . Gregory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been trying to invoke save-hooks to copy mails recieved from
> various folks into their own mboxes. So, for example, I've including
> things like the following in .muttrc:
> save-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] +burns
> My understanding is that MUTT would copy any mail meeting the above to
> 'burns', so that I would have a nice archive of such mails (I'd hoped
> to do the same for this mailing list as well :P).

IMHO it's easier to use procmail for this.  In my .procmailrc:


BTW, be sure you understand the correct behavior of send-hook.  8-) It
does not auto-magically save the messages.  You need to do that "by hand",
and then Mutt will show the folder you chose with save-hook as the

> Thanks in advance--

You are welcome.  :-)

Daniel González Gasull       Signature      O         O    "A friend is a
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  under         /\=,---.  T/\   present you give
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69    construction /\   `O'   U /\  yourself."
                                                           -- Robert Louis
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