Mark Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dpkg-source -x (or unpack yourself).  Then cd into the top directory of
> the package and say "dpkg-buildpackage".  Specifying "-b" will stop a
> source package being generated, which will speed things up a bit.  "-us" 
> and "-uc" disable signing of the .dsc and .changes respectively.

You know, I tried almost exactly this but bailed when one of the
commands wanted root priviledges and then started doing some
unexpected /usr/bin/install's (which failed because my
/usr/bin/install is atypical).  I mean, all I wanted was to build a
package to generate a .deb not *install* it or do *anything* that
would require root privileges.

I'll give the other poster's make suggestion a shot.

> Personally I always found dpkg easier than RPM for building packages,
> but perhaps it's just me.

IIRC all it took to build SRPMS is one single rpm command.

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