> Hi, folks --
> I have spent the past several days struggling to get my X-windows
> configured.  I am noticing that the XF86Config program runs just fine,
> so I've got to believe that running X is possible.  Any attempt to make
> X-windows more specific to my configuration has ended in failure at
> every turn.  This is very frustrating.  I am using an 8MB ELSA Gloria
> Synergy Card with an Optiquest 19" monitor.  It seems from web surfing
> that this configuration may be supported in XFree86, but this
> doesn't seem supported yet by the official Debian releases.

You could still download and install, though, if that would help.
Now, I remember from your previous message that xf86setup suggested you
use a specific driver with your monitor. Well, monitor doesnt matter, for
that matter. All that matters from the monitor is hsync/vsync rates. On
the other hand, try using SVGA server with the card, it might work. It it
doesnt..try scaling down to VGA generic servers.
Basically, what you do is in xf86setup, choose SVGA as an xserver, and try
to get it to work on 320x200 resolution. Just select 320x200 as the only
mode. It it works, you can go up in resolutions, just don't make big
jumps, and at any sign of trouble do the Alt+Ctrl+BackSp.

To scale down to VGA until you get things working right is just selecting
the VGA server in xf86setup, installing it, and changing Xserver file to
reflect which server you are using.

> So, should I take the generic VGA16 driver for now?  If so, what is the
> procedure for making this the default configuration?
> I am ready to give up here, so I would appreciate any help you can give
> me.
> - Jim Campbell
> -- 
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 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 UIN 12402354                      
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   <--Little things for Linux.

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