> I partitioned my HD also in a new way: smaller /dev/hda1 (/ 256Mb), larger
> /dev/hda2 (/usr ab. 5Gb) and a swap /dev/hda3 (100mb). After installing and
> apt-getting all the packages, I noticed that I was little short-sighted:
> /dev/hda1 might run out of space pretty quickly.

Having that much space you should have split your drive into more

> I wouldn't want to reinstall everything, so I figured that I create
> /usr/local/home and link it to /home. 

I did a quick test and looks like you can make another partition and mount
it to /usr/local/home.

> Is this stupid? If not, can I also do the same thing with /var/spool/mail
> without breaking important?

Well, it's not stupid, it's one way to go around solving the problem.
Another way could be to repartition the drive, but then...if you are
installing from a CD, all you need to do is save your config files
somewhere and do a complete reinstall, which will not take a long time.

Not sure about /var/spool/mail


 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 UIN 12402354                      
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   <--Little things for Linux.

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