Sigh...just got Knews configured, and now I've somehow broke fetchmail.  I'm
running slink/potato w/exim.  The only thing I can point my finger at is
between the last succesful fetchmail attempt and the first unsuccesful attempt
I noticed my old smail configs were still present, and purged them (via
dselect).  Now, when I run fetchmail, it succesfully logs on to the mailserver
and reports the # of messages, but when it starts to download it reports:

reading message 1 of 12 (1125 header octets) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to
localhost failed
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=10

When I test the fetchmail configuration w/fetchmailconf, I get essentially the
same results except once (!?) I got the additional info "no folder vulnerable
- must be 1770 protected" (preceeding is not verbatim, but as close as I can

I checked /var/spool/mail and all folders are either root/mail or srgore/mail
with rwx rw  rw.

Steve Gore

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