Alan Su wrote:
> when i was about 8, i think i used dos.  =)  mostly just to launch
> whatever game it was that i was interested in at the time...
> so, do those work?  i'm also not sure how this applies to my
> situation.  thanks.

> "R. Brock Lynn" wrote (Sat, 17 Apr 1999 12:35:29 -0500 ):
> |>
> |>ever used dos?
> |>
> C:\> move filename newfilename
> |>
> |>or
> |>
> |>C:\> ren filename newfilename
> |>
> |>(short for rename)

If for example "ren" and "move" work differently, i.e. "move" unlinks and then
relinks with a new name, but "ren" simply chnages the FAT32 filesystem
"filename" data structure field, then there is probably a way for the coders of
smbmount to exploit this feature to allow you to do what you want.


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   __ _    Debian GNU           R. Brock Lynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <          World Domination, of course.
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