On Mon, Apr 19, 1999 at 03:07:09PM -0500, Brad wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Bernard wrote:
> > As far as I remember, version 0.70 (or so) is included in slink but does not
> > support kernel 2.2. For kernel 2.2, you need version 1.3 (or so). This 
> > version
> > can be found somewhere on the net (maybe you need to run alien to a redhat
> > package).
> You can get version 1.3 from potato. i haven't had any trouble with using
> it. The only problem could be if it's compiled for the new glibc
> version 2.1 and you still use the 2.0 from slink... i suppose the thing to
> do there would be to get the source and recompile it for yourself. There's
> a good readme in one of the pine packages on how to do so with the Debian
> diffs and dsc files.
> -- 
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I have used this package on a potato-laptop, and it's great, I had to 
recompile, and add two functions other
then that, it was a no brainer. If the maintainer is listening; thank you.
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