> Updates to
>the distribution will undoubtedly not always be in >sync with updates
>the WordPerfect Suite, so it would be to Corel's >immense benefit to
>sure that their software stays in compliance with >Debian's

One problem that I see is that Debian usually lags behind the other
distributions in getting the latest and greatest into a release. 
Debian was the second to get a glibc2 out (only beaten by RedHat) and
will probably be the last to release a distro with a 2.2 kernel as
default (the alpha slink release was the first with glibc2.1, but the
i386 version will lag behind the others).  While it is good that Debian
takes its time to 'get it right' having a commerical product based on
Debian could put some pressure on the distro for 'more timely releases'
or worse, a commerical release of an 'unstable' branch might occurr to
'keep up with the Jones'.

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