Shao Zhang wrote:

> Looks like you are using xemacs or similar editor that automatically backs up 
> for
> you.
> You can set the backup option to no.
> I don't think you need to -R option. rm *~ should not have any problems. 
> Correct me
> if I am wrong. :)

The problem is that ther is a lot software taht do this backup file. So I would 
like to
delete by only one command at my home directory.
Someones before give 3 good solution :
first type:

  find . -name '*~' | xargs echo

and if this looks ok, then edit the command to

  find . -name '*~' | xargs rm -r

I think the best thing you could do is to write a small shell script and
put it somewhere along your path:

something like:

rm -rf *~ \#*\# *.bak *.old

call it cleandir or the like and you cannot run mistype disasters.
One approach, which I use, is to insert into .bashrc (edit to taste):

function cleanup
    find . -name "*~" -exec rm -i {} \;
    find . -name ".*~" -exec rm -i {} \;
    find . -name "#*#" -exec rm -i {} \;
    find . -name core -exec rm -i {} \;

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