On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Matthew Myers wrote:
> > My name is Jayson Martin from Littleton, Colorado [...]
> > ***Copy this letter, add your name and forward it to as many people as
> > you know. thank you.

 I can't find any mention whatsoever of a Jayson Martin on the Web
(Altavista) or on Usenet (Dejanews) in a search from Jan 1 1999 to Mar 31
1999. I checked a couple of peoplefinder sites and no one knows of a
Jayson Martin from Littleton, though there are several Martins in
Littleton, CO. The peoplefinders might not know of a high school student,

 I strongly suspect someone is having some sick fun by seeing how big a
chain letter they can start by capitalizing on this tragedy.

 Even *if* it's genuine, chain letters are *not* the way to encourage
reflection. It will waste time and resources, but not accomplish anything
useful, like coming up with ways to prevent such incidents in the future.
Please don't forward chain letters, especially to groups or forums
completely unrelated to the letter's topic.


 Ray Ingles          (248) 377-7735         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you get an email that says, "FORWARD THIS IMMEDIATELY TO ALL YOUR
     FRIENDS, *RIGHT* *NOW*!", don't. It's a hoax, I guarantee it.
                               - Me

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