H C Pumphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Yike. That is a nasty thought. I have Debian and W98 on separate physical
| discs at home and W98 refuses to acknowledge the existence of the Debian
| disc. Hopefully a W98 virus would trash W98 on hda and leave my Debian
| setup on hdb alone, except that I would need a boot floppy to get going.
| Does this sound plausible? 

Depends on what you mean by Win9x refusing to see the disk and what
the virus is. Are you saying your Linux disk is not visible in Win/DOS
fdisk? In all likelihood Win9x doesn't see it because it doesn't
recognize the partition type. That doesn't mean you can't get to it,
via Win/Dos fdisk. At any rate, a virus could easily be written to
wipe out the partition tables on any and all disks it has access
to. The only way to get marginal assurance that this won't happen to
you is by running a virus scan utility under Win9x. 

| I think I might just go home and make a boot floppy or two.....

That's only part of the story, if the virus wipes out your partition
table you'll likely need a full backup to recover from it. In addition
it doesn't hurt to do "fdisk -l |lpr" and keep the prinout
around. This is a good idea even if you're not worried about a virus.


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