On Sun, May 02, 1999 at 06:47:34AM -0500, Carl Fink wrote:
> I'm running a Debian 2.0-based system (with some newer packages
> installed as needed).  My CD-ROM contains these fax packages:
>       1)Hylafax/tkhylafax
>       2)efax
>       3)mgetty-fax
> I will primarily need software to *send* faxes, as I have set up an
> account with www.efax.com to receive them.  (I only have one phone
> line and my system isn't always turned on, so receiving faxes via my
> modem would be problematic.)
> Which of the three programs/suites above do you folks recommend?  I
> don't need anything very elaborate, because I rarely have occasion to
> send a fax.  (Which is, of course, why I don't own a fax machine.)
> Thanks for any help.  If desired, I can digest personal replies for
> the list, but that custom appears to be dying out.
> -- 
> Carl Fink             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy." 
>       -Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun

I have efax-0.8a, and used it to send text and postscript files.  I
chose it because it's small.


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