Eugene Sevinian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, ppl,
> Does anybody know how to test whether the network card
> set to promiscuous mode. It is supposed to run it from
> cron.

Just last week I tried a little program called "ifstatus" on
Solaris. The program is designed to run from cron so that only if
an interface is in promiscuous mode, it will print out a warning
message. Here is a snippet from its manual page:

     Ifstatus checks all network interfaces on  the  system,  and
     reports any that are in debug or promiscuous mode, which may
     be a sign of unauthorized access to the system.

You can get it from /pub/tools/unix/ifstatus/

When you compile it for Linux you need to edit Makefile like this:

-------------------------- cut here ------------------------

--- Makefile.orig       Mon Sep 21 14:38:43 1998
+++ Makefile    Mon May  3 00:33:03 1999
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 #      SUNOS55         -lkvm -lelf -lnsl -lsocket
 #      SUNOS56         -lkvm -lelf -lnsl -lsocket
-OSNAME=        SUNOS55
-LIBS=  -lkvm -lelf -lnsl -lsocket
+OSNAME=        BSD
+LIBS=# -lkvm -lelf -lnsl -lsocket
 # Change BINDIR, MANDIR, and MANSUF if you want.  They are used with the

-------------------------- cut here ------------------------

That is, change SUNOS55 to BSD and comment out any libraries.

> Thanks,

No problem.

> Eugene Sevinian

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen                  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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